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Issue #14. Friday, August 3

We’re back with issue no. 14 on this Friday, and to end this first week into August we have curated five deal flow highlights as well as news and reports from the Zoic team. I hope everyone enjoys the extra content in this issue…please share across your media channels – you can find our links below.Thanks for reading and we’ll be back in two weeks,


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Vivienne Ming Featured in the Financial Times
Zoic’s Computational Neuroscientist and Tedx speaker, discusses Artificial Intelligence and building deep neural networks. Read More

Listen in to Vivienne talk about her work in AI in the Market Meditations Podcast episode, ‘Making Mischief’. Listen Now On iTunesGoogleSoundcloud or RSS – Episode Archive

John Milne Discusses the Importance of Venture Capital in Healthcare
Zoic’s Chief Medical Officer points out the value of VC when thinking about scalability in healthcare from the viewpoint of a Medical Doctor. Watch

Optina Diagnostics, a leading-edge company with a vision to revolutionize the way that Alzheimer’s is diagnosed, announces a collaborative agreement with Imagia, a Healthcare AI company whose mission is to personalize health care. Read More



Boston Scientific to Pay Up to $270M to Acquire Claret Medical
We have discussed devices and diagnostics that can help during a surgery, and assist in preventing conditions before they occur. Another significant market, and unmet need, is the care for patients after a major operation. For example, a recent acquisition by Boston Scientific involves a device that prevents strokes after operations. As patient stay times in hospitals being kept to a minimum, these devices to prevent and monitor conditions are becoming more and more important.

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GSK Bets On Genetics With $300M 23andMe Deal
Consumer diagnostics is a constant focus area for us. The applications include noninvasive prenatal testing and testing for chronic diseases. We have also discussed companion diagnostics, especially for pharmaceutical prescription and dosing. Major pharmaceutical companies are looking at ways to acquire as much data as they can in order to drive personalized medications and better designed formulations. A recent deal with 23andMe will be followed by similar types of partnerships and acquisitions.

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First Of It’s Kind UTI Testing App With FDA Clearance
When discussing consumer testing, another important application is detecting infections early on. Urinary tract infections can become major issues, and earlier detection will lead to better outcomes. An interesting new release is a test intended for at-home, consumer testing for these infections.

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FIU Patents Worlds Fastest Zika Detection Device
With infectious diseases, there is also constant concern about mass population screening, especially with recent outbreaks with the Zika virus. Better technology that can be deployed in the field faster and cheaper can lead to earlier management, before a critical mass of infections is reached. Such technology is a strong platform potentially, as many detection devices can be used for multiple infectious diseases. 

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Bio-Techne to Acquire Exosome Dx for $575M
On the topic of not only molecular diagnostics, but also the trend of more and more medical device acquisitions, is a recent case of Exosome Dx. This is a diagnostic used for prostate cancer diagnosis; interestingly enough it is used when the PSA test returns an ambiguous result, which that particular test (the only lab test so far for prostate cancer) has had consistent issues with.

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What We’re ReadingSTN
Physicians Aren’t ‘Burning Out.’ They’re Suffering From Moral Injury
Portfolio Transformation Drives Health M&A Activity
Artificial Intelligence for the Real World

Meditation & Mindfulness: An Interesting Tale of Treatment

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The Biweekly Dealflow Update, curated by the team at Zoic Capital.

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