The Fascinating Process of Mastery

Dec 17, 2020 | Podcast


Chris and Neal shake things up this episode by giving up hosting duties to guest Sean McCormick from the Optimal Performance Podcast(OPP). In this ode to Tim Ferriss-esque episode, Sean learns more about Chris and Neal, covering:

•Performance through the lens of financial mastery

•Performance through ease and grace

•Performance through intense focus

•The concept of widening your aperture in order to analyze situations and make great decisions

•How meditation empowers the path of mastery

•The power of “let me get back to you on that”

•The importance of the teachings of Tich Nat Han and Charlie Munger

A performance coach his entire life in one way or another, through athletics, school, as an entrepreneur, and a dad – leadership has always come naturally for him. Now, he’s getting the most out of people to help them live a more authentic, richer life. Performance coaches are masters at getting the best out of you – but it doesn’t stop there. Performance coaches also help you find effective ways to keep you accountable to your highest self.

Learn more about Sean:

Check out Sean’s podcast, Optimal Performance, every Monday and Thursday where Sean brings listeners actionable information to implement immediately for their personal education and enlightenment.



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